Saturday, 16 July 2011

Another new look...

I have been busy at work (and at home, it gets addictive...) building a new website and writing the code for some applications in it.   I like websites, I like code.  I like how lines of text come alive with images and movement and colour; I am a true geek, I know!  And, as the creative IT juices flowed, I couldn't resist a little sideline project for my blog and a new, lighter background; I hope you like it, thoughts appreciated.

It's based on a couple of pictures that I made when the boyf was travelling on business a few months back.  The first was a little ode to our family:

The second was based on the Keep Calm and Carry On posters that are becoming so popular again... and was a small hint, following a week of lots of dog walking on my part, that he may like to catch up a bit once he was back!

The arrival, and now successful integration of the new chook, has had me thinking that I need to update our family snap; I love the image from the Keep Calm poster and wanted that feel of  sheer joy incorporated into the background.  And I was walking megs through the fields one morning I started looking at all the Cow Parsley.  It is such a beautiful plant, I often take photographs of it.  Last autumn, I took a series of shots of some seed heads in front of a pylon. I love pylons, in and of themselves, and particularly liked the juxtaposition of two very different, structural qualities. 

So, there is was, all the elements that I wanted to bring together to create a new background.  My thanks to Susan Libertiny ( for the beautiful free brushes; work like hers makes beautiful possible.

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