Sunday, 31 July 2011

I've not done much...

I've had a lovely weekend, thanks to the boyf and Mr & Mrs B, lunches in pubs, bbq's, rides on the motorbike and my first attempt at a lemon meringue pie!

In the interim, I made dolly some arms.  They were as frustrating as the legs I'm afraid!  I did, however, change the foot on the sewing machine to my zipper foot and found it much easier to sew (as close to the seam as I dared) around the trickier outline of the hands.

Stuffed, and with fingers sewn in, a pair of arms.

I also decided to do something with the feet and removed some stuffing from the larger foot.  It went much better than anticipated and whilst one is still bigger than the other, at least it's not quite so golf-club-like!

And finally, I got to start on the good stuff: a hand-sewn ribbon covering for the seams at both front and back, and black embroidery thread stitched to create boot laces.

Arms and legs... fingers crossed the body and head are easier!

But, there will be nothing done for a while.  The projects at work are going to take up every spare minute until I go on holiday.  It is a shame, I am anxious to see her progress... but unless I am truly sick of code and webpages, I will have to concentrate on that first.


  1. That looks hard to do, yet like a lot of fun, you are very creative!

    Have you ever carved faces out of apples? Years ago when I was very young there was a lady I knew who would do this, then make small bodies, clothing and all, for these small dolls that she would create. I remember that I found them looking like little old ladies and men that looked so life like.

  2. Thanks Lon - I would trade it right now for a little of your peace.

    And no, I never have, though I've seen some, old and wizened and slightly spooky! Could be an idea for Halloween tho, thanks :) I wonder if they'd still be edible if wizened the right way? Hmm, more to think about...!
