Saturday, 17 September 2011

Emergency Surgery

has been performed on Legs thanks to some serious lovin from Megs!

What I loved was the head on lap, pitiful look on her face as she did her best to patiently wait for his antler, ear, leg, arm and tail to be sewn back on...

Best dobe face!  Look at all the stuffing everywhere...

Poor Legs, he's a little hollow now, but hanging on in there.  Literally!


  1. HAHA! I too an chief surgeon in our household. "Chippy" the chipmunk has had several life saving emergency surgeries to his head, and is scheduled for yet another surgery. Winston also sits and waits with baited breath, wanting frequent updates to how Chippy is doing.

    As Chippy is awaiting his next surgery, Winston has taken to loving on Ducky, as well as the girls' (cats) Wee-Bear, and now Wee-Bear will be scheduled for emergency surgery the same day as Chippy's surgery.


  2. I just love the expression in her eyes, she looks very loving!

  3. Thank you both; Leyla you did make me laugh! I hope the surgeries went ok ;) Legs pulled through and was subsequently shaken within an inch of his life and then tossed around the room... poor Legs!

    And yes Lon, she is. The soppiest dobe you'll ever meet and not a bad bone in her body; just perfect :)
