Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Dad's Christmas Present? Done.

It's a good thing he doesn't even know I blog!  Dad and I have a long tradition of handmade gifts, this year I wanted to add to his collection of bird related handmade gifts and have been wanting a draw a wading bird for ages (it's thanks to all the Moorhens in the pub's pond).  This is a Willet, from the Sandpiper family.


  1. A lovely drawing! Your post inspired me and I have linked to you on my latest blog post :) Strasbourg sunset triptych

  2. Beautiful picture :) Have you seen my Seagull? - I like him, more movement in the wings!

  3. Oh, I had not seen him before! Very nice. Good movement. I have a charcoal pencil, maybe I should have a scribble :) So many xmas presents to make though, I can't decide what to do first XD
