Saturday, 7 April 2012

Happy Easter Everyone!

It was so good to have the day off yesterday, the boyf and I had a lie in until the sun shine got me out of bed.    A sunny garden means that I'll always find something to do in the garden!   Today it was the chickens' turn and a veg patch.  The one thing that I have missed from my old house was the raised veg bed that the boyf built me and, following discussion in the pub and the promise of tomatoes and cabbages and beans, I decided it was time to find a space and the run of paving slabs between the garage and the far fence was the best available spot.  I had a quince planted in already, so I added the second one (which had been in a pot) and am eagerly awaiting my seedlings... and some mini fencing as the dog thinks I made this just for her to dig!

The coop and run got a good clean and general sprucing up...

I have happy chooks.  Though the dog was completely unimpressed when I started to brush the (yes, it's fake) lawn!

It's hard work but it's worth it!  I do love our not grass lawn.

And finally, on our morning walk, Megs and I cut some foliage and blossom to make an Easter Tree.  A lovely tradition that I've got from my Mum (who gave us the beautiful hanging chicks).  It is such a lovely  way to welcome spring.


  1. Lovely, I might come and live with you Kirsty x

  2. Thanks hon, welcome anytime! :) x
