Sunday, 6 May 2012

It's Day Two in the house...

A year or so ago I made a couple of little pictures for the house.  The first was thanks to the dobe; she and I were going through a testing time.  She was of an age and temperament where a lead walk just wasn't enough, she needed to stretch her legs too.  Problem was, she would go charging off and not come back.  The boyf was away at the time (another gentlemen's jolly if I remember rightly!) and the 10yr old had shared her viral bug with me.  After an hour and half, with a temperature of 102F, of trying to coax her out of the middle of one of the paddocks, a neighbour eventually tempted her into his garden, with the promise of a Bonio or two, and we rugby tacked her under a bramble bush.  For a while she was stuck with lead walks only, until she remembered her manners, and I made myself a little reminder of how I needed to be, which still hangs by the coats and leads at the back door.

The second was a pictorial representation of our family.  I hangs in the bathroom and was meant to be the first in a grouping of pictures, which I have never got round to completing.  Sadly, it is now inaccurate and I do not have the heart to delete the members of our extended family who we've lost this last year.  It seemed better to remove it entirely but I have been unsure of what to put up there.

Then an old friend from HK, who I've happily reconnected with, thanks to Facebook, posted some pictures of her lovely house and the collections of pictures that she has hung throughout.  One of my jobs for this weekend was to touch up the paint in the bathroom and it got me thinking. So today I decided to rifle through the spare picture frames that I have (I really can't throw anything away!) and see if there wasn't something that I could do in the bathroom.  


I planned to use only what I had in the house, but broke my own rule by £7.99 as I couldn't resist another inducement to "Keep Calm" and love the addition of a splash of red in the room.  It is hung with two picture boxes; one of which holds a pearl heart that I have had hovering about in need of a home for years.  Above them is a very special picture frame, one of a pair that my great grandfather hand-carved.  In it I put a peony that used to sit on a pot pouri cushion, given to me by my mother.  The dobe damaged the cushion and I didn't have the heart to throw the peony out.  Finally, I added a couple of things that I printed myself: a copy of the Holstee Manifesto, though this needs to be printed again, in a smaller size; and an instruction to "Bee Happy" featuring a Victorian illustration of a lovely big bumble bee.  It's too small a room to take a decent picture, but it gives the room quite a different feel and I'm pleased with my efforts... with thanks to K for the inspiration.

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