Sunday, 13 May 2012

Well it's done, i've moved!

I've moved... and I do hope it's worked and that you can all still see me :o)

In the meantime I've been cooking, more another day, and there's a little excitement to report; things look to be changing round here!  But, for now, it's late, the boyf is bored of looking at me frowning at my laptop and the 10yr old needs to go to bed as it's exam week from tomorrow and she needs all the sleep she can get.

Fingers and toes all firmly crossed!


  1. Hello :o) I've been following your blog for a while now and think its amazing. I've wanted to comment and thank you for ages but didn't know how so I ended up creating a blog too! You've inspired me to get sewing and although thats a daunting prospect its exciting too. So I just wanted to comment to say thank you for your blog and the time you put into it, I for one appreciate it.

  2. Thank you Kay for the lovely comment, you have made my day! What's your blog please? I would love to check it out... and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have mine. It's a great discipline too; I used to have a huge pile of half finished projects, now I have good reason to finish them :)

    Happy blogging and I will enjoy seeing what you have to share, have a lovely evening, Lu

  3. Hiya Lucy, Kay here changed my name to MsHotchPotch. I'm really glad I made your day. Its nice to be able to communicate properly and say hi. My shiney new blog is: I've only got two posts and no followers but hey its a start lol.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just popped over to your blog, Kay and left a comment :)

  4. Hi Lucy, well done on the new URL and the move! I am about to do the same thing as have made over and renamed my blog. How did you go about it? I don't want to just change the URL in Blogger as fear I would lose some followers who subscribe to the RSS feed. Thanks.

  5. Hi Bougielyns, I LOVE the new site, it is gorgeous! You can just change the URL in Blogger, that's what I did - keep (i.e. reapply for the name) the old one and redirect people across. The followers track across automatically but you might have the update the RSS feeds manually. I had to update all the URLs on my tutorials, a little tedious but a good spring clean :) Have you googled re the RSS; thinking about it, I would be surprised if they didn't update or there wasn't a quick way of doing it as they are far more integral to the Blogger progamme. Meanwhile, can I ask where you go your friend app from? I love it, so much nicer than the standard one. I looked for something different, but couldn't find anything as nice as yours.

  6. Thanks! Glad you like the new look :) Thanks for the tips. I hadn't thought about broken links. If I change my URL I will have to go through every post and update where I have linked to previous posts :S

    I think if followers are using an RSS feed of my blog in a reader then they just won't get any posts any more. I will have to tell people on the blog and via Twitter before I make the URL swap.

    The friend section on my side bar is actually the Blogger Blog List widget. You can import blogs you follow or input them manually and select whether to show a photo and title or more text for your friends' recent posts. It updates automatically when they post.

  7. Thank you for the list tip... it doesn't work as well on my template as yours! I'll have to play about a bit maybe...

    Good luck with the feed changes :)
