Friday, 10 May 2013

The escape artist!

The wonderful Mr S popped over yesterday to visit with me and little miss; take the mutts for a walk and cajole me into getting some doctorly-prescribed "light exercise".  As the lovely Pimms had come for a play-date with Megs and Finn, we decided to go through the church and into the back field where they could all run themselves ragged.  Waiting for us at the bottom of the hill were the ponies; including the cause of my rib sprain and now two, teach me to lift my arm especially when the good Dr warned me, torn ligaments!

As trouble-makers go, she's rather lovely and I got a very sweet nuzzle as I pointed out exactly what she had caused during her exciting escape.  I'm getting rather fond of our little troupe, they love a little company and are very good with the dogs; it will be a shame when they move on (as I presume they will) again.  In the meantime, we can enjoy saying hello and the 11yr old is particularly taken with the foal - what 11yr old girl wouldn't be.

I just won't be so keen to help our escape artist if she tries anything again... she has been told!

In the meantime, I am going a little stircrazy now... enforced rest is not my idea of fun but it's necessary.  Even sat for the 40-odd mins I've been typing this and going through a few emails for work have proven painful.  I'm being careful with the codeine as it could lower my T4 levels and the last thing I want is to upset the wonky thyroid, so I need to keep resting.  Bah humbug, I can't even sew!  All this time and nothing but reading and TV to keep me out of mischief... it's just plain wrong ;o)

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