Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Sunday Sardines...

I've had insomnia for a couple of weeks now, it doesn't go well with close stitching corset insides.  It's frustrating but I'd only be unpicking so I decided to change tack.

Mollie Makes arrived this month with a Sardine key fob kit and it got me thinking.  Our bathroom light pull was pretty dull, dull, drab.  The cord had lost its end twice (I'm sure there's a little innuendo in there somewhere) and the knot to stop it fraying didn't do much for me either.  It had "needs improvement" written all over it.


Nothing a small grey, spotted, Sardine couldn't fix!  It was all pretty self-explanatory and, with only one Sardine to make, a very quick little project.  I used my favourite string (finger knit though I could have plaited it too) to make a new pull and, in a moment of very lazy pedanticness, finger painted the cord holder to disguise the rather nasty plastic "bronze" finish. The final touch was to add a lovely wooden pull that I bought for the old cord and never used.  It reminds me of a fishing basket.

I could add a couple more, a line of Sardines... but we'll see how One-Eyed Fred gets on first.


  1. Hi

    I am just making and photographing my progress for my first craft post on my blog. I am doing the red fish - smallest first - and it is not going well. Yours looks great. I hope that your fishy is enjoying his new home.


  2. Hi Amy, thank you. They are fiddly aren't they... That's why I stuck with the largest one! Looking forward to seeing yours :)
