Thursday 21 April 2011

My Independant Girl...

The 9 year old has been at her Grandparents, with her best friend Hannah, for a week now.  Usually a trip to the Grandparents is accompanied by lots of calls, with a few pathetic "I want to come home!"s.  This time, mostly thanks to Hannah's presence I'm sure, there has not been a single call and I have deliberately refrained from calling her as I know that as she's growing up, I have to learn to do so too.

Sat in the car on the way home, we were talking about the things that change as you get older; since the sex-ed session at school the 9 year old is full of wonderfully uncomfortable questions and some stunning theories...  and I really had to bite my cheek during "y'know Mum, I'm going to start to listen to you more now cos you've grown up before!"   It did get me thinking about how hard it is growing up the first time and how hard it's going to be to grow up the second time too, because there is no doubt in my mind that watching your baby grow into an adult is one of the hardest stages of growing up there is...  Living through it yourself is one thing, watching (and trying to support) your most precious creation live through it is an entirely tougher thing...

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