Monday 16 May 2011

Mollie Makes.... me craftily happier!

When that little Mollie Makes card slipped out of Country Living, with two hands full of felted balls, promising to live and love handmade, and believing "That fabric makes you HAPPY", I oohed and aahed, pinned it to my board of all good things, befriended on FB and wondered if I had found a kindred spirit in magazine-land...

I am delighted to say, having finally tracked down a copy, that I think this could be so!  It is beautiful to look at, stocked full of ideas and links to other good places, well written, and the content nicely balanced.  The cover surprised me and I will admit to thinking "crocheting for apples? really?!", but then I can't see a better way to persuade the 9 yr old to indulge in one of her five-a-day and, as with all good things, it set my mind off contemplating all sorts of new ideas.   As for the Chihuahua... well, I laughed out loud and fell a little in love; I wonder what the Dobe would make of it?!

Until now, I have been a Country Living and Selvedge girl; now I think I have found a third monthly muse to add to the pile... thank you Mollie for filling the gaping gap in the market; my copy is dog-eared and annotated, the 9 yr old has bags-d the phone cover for the phone she wants for her birthday, and I am really looking forward to Issue 2... the only question is, where do I keep them all?!

Picture borrowed from, with thanks.

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