Wednesday 13 July 2011

Finishing the Fantail Skirt

It's done and I am soooo pleased!!
My unassuming ball of twine has done exactly what I hoped it would.

It's taken three evenings to hand sew the hem.  I took this picture after the second night, when you could start to see the difference between the more structured curve of the sewn hem and the fall of the unstitched sections.

Once done, it had to go back on Miss G and once on Miss G it sat so beautifully, I was thrilled.  I still need to press the skirt and it's really too dark for decent pics, but I couldn't resist a few...

Now that's a fantail skirt! 
Once the overskirt and jacket are done, I think I will add some trim, but for now it's finished and I am over half way through my Victorian costume!

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