Thursday 15 September 2011

I've been a bad blogger...

so much has happened this past week, and I've found no time to write about it.  And it's been a heck of a week as well!

But, nearly at the end of it all, I have a rare night with the house to myself and finally had the time to focus on the important stuff - Dolly's hair!

Using a couple of pictures as reference points, I have sewn the strands of wool onto her head, twisting sections into roses and knots to give it texture and shape.  I love the process of shaping the hair and the final effect is transformative.  

This is the first stage, I will possibly add some more "hair", and then decorate it further.  
I usually like to flowers and ribbons but, in honour of her Gothic beginnings, I have decided to take a darker tack with Dolly.

Meanwhile, she sits (rather jauntily, I think) on the kitchen chimney.  It seems that Dolly met Megs earlier, so  a little distance is required.  It proves, however, that canvas bodies are definitely best; whilst her hair needed some cleaning and tidying, all the you could see on her body and face were a few toothy dents; no tears or damage at all.  Doberman 0 - Dolly 1!

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