Friday 30 September 2011

Rebuilding the LBD

Having procrastinated long enough (this is becoming a habit!) I started dismantling the LBD last night; late last night so no chance of pics, not in our little, atmospherically lit cottage.

The first job was to sew the gathered tulle onto some bias tape, it is now ready to then be stitched onto the taffeta later.

Unpicking the bodice and trimming the boning went far easier than I expected.  I have left the black chiffon in as the lining is gold and I didn't want it to show.  It is instead covered by the chiffon which I handstitched in place.  The boyf was right, it looks lovely.

Following that success, I unpicked the skirt from the bodice, where it had been gathered into a rosette, and stitched it back so that it hangs straight and the hem is now all even.  I now have a completely blank canvas for the tulle skirt and new waistband/belt.  That's tonight's job, after a quick dinner in the pub :o)

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