Saturday 12 November 2011

The Art of Dressing in the 1870's

Thanks to Sew Curvy who I follow on FB, I found this video (from Indigo Multimedia) this morning and was enthralled.  I have spent the last 20 minutes pausing it over and over and noting all the tiny, useful details.  The dress is extraordinary, I wish I could make something as beautiful as that, and loved finding out about the little details such as the corset hook and the jacket's inner waistband.  It makes me more tempted than ever to make another Victorian dress, earlier period this time, with a bustle and a different corset design - I love the curves of the model, I want them!  It also demonstrates the need for  truly fabulous fabrics, I couldn't afford silk faille for my first dress, but now that I am comfortable with the process I would definitely consider it, it sits so beautifully.  Oh, and when do you think I could squeeze in a little time studying with Luca Costigliolo at the National School of Cinema in Rome?!? Why didn't I know about him 15 years ago!

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