Tuesday 20 December 2011

23 metres of black cotton drill

I have my first commission!  It's not the most artistic of sewing jobs; a series of display case covers for some machines going to a trade show, but it's certainly interesting.  It's not often that I sew in metres instead of inches, have to draw patterns with a metre stick and have a pile of fabric so heavy I can barely move it - lifting it onto the table, I looked like I was lugging a dead body about!  And, whilst not the most exciting sewing, my work will be seen by thousands (tens of thousands?) of people at the exhibition; that's definitely a first :o)

It's also a little last minute, they have to be shipped on the 3rd January, so I am wasting no time and this evening has been spent sewing the first two of the five covers.  I picked the smallest ones and three hours and over 10 metres of sewing later they may be done but I'm going to be seeing way too much black cotton drill for Christmas week, next time I'm going for festive red!

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