Sunday 11 December 2011

Christmas comes to Churchways

It has been (secretly, as I'd never show it!) one of my favourite weekends of the year; decorating the house for Christmas.  We don't have huge amounts of decorations but everything that we have has meaning, a memory and a story.  I particularly love my tree, each year we add just a couple of new things, and it is becoming the story of our life.

One of the joys of this house is the fireplace and the chance to finally properly hang some stockings!  The 10yr old was given one as a baby by her Nantie, a couple of years ago I modified a shop-bought one for the boyf (may need to rectify that some day) and so we had a pair.  But, as the 10yr old rightly pointed out this weekend, we were missing a couple, or three, and so I spent the afternoon filling the gap.  Megs, I and Rascal the Cat now have our spot on the mantelpiece; fabulously easy, I made all three in an hour.  I'll post a quick tutorial tomorrow, but for now here are a couple of pictures.

My new stocking is faux green silk and ribbon details, Megs has red spots and the 10yr old's is the needlepoint .
The boyf's stocking is the great big red one... Rascal's is a manly blue.
I love the top of my stocking!
I followed thorough with the polka dots on Megs stocking.
And Rascal's is a lovely spot of citrus colour at the end of the row.
 Now back to wrapping those presents... Happy, nearly, Christmas everyone!

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