Friday 9 March 2012

Crazy Hair Day 2012, part 1

One of our favourite things about the 10yr old's school is Crazy Hair Day; their rather unique take on the traditional Easter bonnet parade.  Last year, relatively new to the school, utterly nerve-wracked by the calibre of previous entries and in a last minute panic of sorts, we nevertheless got to third place thanks to stars, ribbons and two pairs of chopsticks!

This year, however, we are prepared!  It is our second and last chance and we have big plans that include  dye and buns and proper accessories and even an Easter theme, of sorts.  The 10yr old this year wants to go as a "Hill of Hares... geddit!"  CHD this year falls on the 29th but as the 10yr old is away at her father's this weekend, so I thought that I would start on the hares.  Without the hares, we don't have much of a hill, so I wanted to be sure that we had good hares.  I decided on stuffed felt hares and as they are not big and as detailed as possible, I decided to leave the seam stitching visible, rather than turn them inside out.  

I drew two templates, a sitting hare for the front of our hill and a joyous leaping one for further back.  

I cut roughly round each template, pinned it to the felt, which I had folded in half, and stitched it with a very short stitch.   

The stitches perforate the paper enough that it can be easily pulled away; if any sections stick, dampen the paper to loosen it further.

And I have a hare.  

Finally I trimmed round each hair, no more than 1-2mm from the seam ready for stuffing, eyes and for me to figure out what to do with them next.

More on the Hill of Hares as it progresses....

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