Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

It started with this, a handmade tulip that I sent to Mum...

She (and Dad), in turn, sent me these!  I just love tulips and daffodils...

As the 10yr old was at her father's, and the boyf in Chicago (you have to love modern technology, 4000 miles apart, we propped up his hotel bar last night and chatted, thank you Skype!), I spent the morning walking my non-human girl :) and on our way home were joined by the little orphan robin who we looked after last spring.  A year on and he is one of my true joys, often joining me when I garden or scrounging a treat when I feed the chooks; but the most special experience is when he walks Megs with me, hopping from fence post to branch to fence post as we walk around the paddock. Today he flew off and beat us home, waiting on the back fence as I came in the garden...

I bought myself a Mother's Day treat, a lovely new "seed head" bird feeder that I hope will entice Robin, and some of the other birds in the garden, just a little closer to the house....

And now the 10yr old is home :D and I'm a billiant Mum, with a badge to match!  We're going to bake and make dinner and eat sundaes whilst maxing out on Glee...

It's turning into a rather wonderful day.  I hope you enjoyed yours x

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