Monday 30 April 2012

Elizabethan goes Oriental

My bead and sequin collection proved to be a little goldmine and I'm unashamedly going to "off piste" with my decoration.  It's all the fault of the beautiful red "bamboo" beads that I found in one of the boxes, which match perfectly with a set of multi-coloured carved beads with gold detailing.  I couldn't resist a nod to my childhood, quickly strung them onto a narrow black ribbon, pinned them onto the kirtle front and voila!, they're staying... it wasn't a hard sell ;o) 

Somewhere I have handfuls of faux black jet beads which could have possibly been pearls but they allude me so, one very successful bid on ebay later and for 79p (!) I will soon be in possession of 100 or so 6mm black glass faux pearls.  I also have hundreds of bugle beads and some 6mm brown gauze ribbon; I am toying with them for the bilament - though I am still toying with the idea of having a bilament at all; perhaps the pearl edging and necklaces will be enough... I'll see.

Meanwhile, I need to stop fiddling and get on with the smock. 

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