Wednesday 15 August 2012

Samples, samples, samples

My local fabric shops are not great on dressmaking fabrics and whilst I know that I could use an upholstery weight fabric for the main gown of this project, I don't want to be a sweaty lump!  I would rather a lighter fabric and line with drill or add another petticoat to the skirt, depending on where I need the extra weight.  So, last to-do on my costume, before our holiday on on Friday, was to order some sample fabrics.  I've chosen a dark grey wool suiting and three taffetas; a plain grey, a silk black and, I'm not entirely sure why, but am going with my gut here, a plain "sage". 

Charcoal Grey Suiting
Plain Grey Taffeta
Black Silk Taffeta
Plain Sage Taffeta
They should be waiting for me when we get back...

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