Monday 18 February 2013

RHS Wisley Gardens, 16th February 2013

It's half term, the first hints of spring, sun and warmth are in the air and, to celebrate, we met my parents and Godmother at the Royal Horticultural Society gardens at Wisley.  It was a lovely day out.  We were there, really, to see the butterflies, which for a couple of months at the start of the year take over part of the 18thC greenhouse, but the gardens were fascinating too.  Even at the end of a pretty bleak winter, there was interest and beauty all about and it was the perfect opportunity to test the D90 out on something other than the dogs and fields! 

I may have gone a little overboard, all 270 odd photos later... and then there was "deletegate" where I turned the air blue and had a crash course in SD card recovery programmes.... but, finally, here are some of the shots that I am truly happy with.  I warn you now, there are still quite a lot (30ish?!) but, for all our sanities, they are posted in separate groups; starting with the Gardens and Greenhouse.

I rather love cacti, who would think that lumpy green spiky things could be so beautiful!  Shame they don't grow in Essex...

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