Monday 18 March 2013


Yes, well, it didn't quite go to plan.  My fabrics are still, resolutely, mauve... and the burnt bits look even more burnt than ever.  Less nebula, more disaster!

except where it was resting on the rather beaten up, uncovered metal bit, of my rather beaten up airer.  Then it's a tiny hint of slightly aqua blue.

But I've been doing my homework, apparently bicarbonate of soda does the trick.  I'm going to reboil of these in a solution of it as a test, and then I think I may have to start this whole experiment from scratch.  It's rather good fun though, I'm rather enjoying the random experimenting of it all!  

And I found this... a top that I bought a couple of years ago, two sizes too big, just because I loved the colours of the sequins.  I think it has to find a home on the corset, somehow, somewhere...

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