Friday 24 May 2013

Potting on the Celery Experiment

The celery experiment is progressing nicely and has grown some amazing roots, which I noticed this morning as I changed the water.  The sensible thing would have been to plant it out at the weekend, but I had five minutes to spare :o)

I decided to plant it in my little herbarium.  A bit of a risk as, as my Dad and I have both found, the herbarium is a little temperamental with anything it seems but parsley!   I'll keep an eye on it and, just to make it really interesting, I decided to plant in the second Pak Choi too, which has been languishing in the pot with the first one I planted (PC1).

Don't they look pretty.... fingers firmly crossed!

In the meantime, look what has sprouted at the base of PC1.  

I really need to read up on Pak Choi... it's literally running away with me and I have no idea what I'm doing! 

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