The Dobe decided to help me with my sewing today; "stupid dog!" was the least accurate thing I could have shouted as she had worked out that if my paw on the foot pedal made it work, then her paw would too! I'm just not very good with runaway sewing machines, especially when finishing a seam. Once we'd sorted whose paw was going to run the machine, Megs decided to first sit on my foot, before settling with her head on it instead. It's lovely to have company when I'm sewing...!

I have been trying not to do any more work on my skirt until my undergarments have arrived so that I can check the fit and hem. That said, today I really wanted to do some work on it, so I finished the last two seams and started the waistband. I have sewn the first side of the waistband on, the gather at the back is very tight so I wanted to take my time and get it right. I couldn't resist a quick fitting with my corset on and got a quick taste of what a Victorian woman would have felt like... I now know why they needed a ladies' maid; the corset was on quite loose, but between its restriction and the amount of fabric in the skirt, it was near impossible to get the skirt on, with petticoats and all the rest, you would need help! I do love how different it feels though.
She is really cute! It seems everywhere my wife goes our dog wants to be right there.